Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

will suffer the most dreadful depression if they leave home
or country and breathe the air of another Race-or Family-
At the time the Race-spirit entered human bodies the
individualized Ego commenced to get some slight control of
its vehicles. Each human entity became more and more
conscious of being separate and distinct from other men, yet
for ages he did not think of himself primarily as an
individual, but as belonging to a tribe or family. The affix
“son” to many present day surnames is a remnant of this
feeling. A man was not simply “John,” or “James.” He was
John Robertson, or James Williamson. In some countries a
woman was not “Mary,” or “Martha.” She was Mary
Marthasdaughter, Martha Marysdaughter. The custom was
continued in some European countries until within a few
generations of the pr es ent time; t he “son” affix rema ins with
us yet and the family name is still much honored.
Among the Jews, even down to the time of Christ, the
Race-spirit was stronger than the individual spirit. Every
Jew thought of himselffirst as belonging to a certain tribe or
family. His proudest boast was that he was of the “Seed of
Abraham.” All this was the work of the Race-spirit.
Previous to the advent of Jehovah, when the Earth was
yet a part of the Sun, there was one common group-spirit,
composed of all the creative Hierarchies, which controlled
the entire human family, but it was intended that each body
should be the temple and pliable instrument of an indwelling
spirit and that meant an infinite division of rulership.
Jehovah came with His Angels and Archangels and
ma de the first great divis ion int o Races, giving to each group
the guiding influence of a Race-spirit—an Archangel. For
each Ego He appointed one of the Angels to act as guardian

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