Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

But, and this is a very important “But,” the Rosicrucians
do not regard an intellectual understanding of God and the
Universe as an end in itself; far from it! The greater the
intellect, the greater the danger of its misuse. Ther efore,this
scientific, logical and exhaustive teaching is given in order
that man may believe in his heart that which his head has
sanctioned and start to live the religious life.


In order to promulgate this teaching the Rosicrucian
Fellowship has been formed, and anyone who is not a
PALMIST or ASTROLOGER, may enroll as aStudent by
writing to the General Secretary. There is no fee for
Initiation, or dues. Money cannot buy our teaching,
advancement depends on merit.
After completing the Preliminary Course one is put on
the Regular Student list for a period of two years, after
which if he has become so imbued with the verity of the
Rosicrucian teachings that he is prepared to sever his
connection with all other occult or religious orders—the
Christian Churches and Fraternal Orders are excepted—he
may assume the Obligation which admits him to the degree
We do not mean to insinuate by the foregoing clause
that all other schools of occultism are of no account—far
from it—many roads lead to Rome, but we shall attain with
much less effort if we follow one of them than if we zigzag
from path to path. Our time and energy are limited in the
first place, and are still further curtailed b y fa mily and social
duties not to be neglected for self-development. It is to

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