Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Fellowship performs his exercises in the seclusion and
privacy of his room. Results may be obtained more slowly
by this system, but when they appear, they will be manifest
as powers cultivated by himself, usable independently of all
others. Besides, the Rosicrucian methods build character at
the same time that they develop spiritual faculties and thus
safeguard the pupil against yielding to temptation to
prostitute divine powers for worldly prestige.
When the Probationer has complied with the necessary
requirements and completed the term of probation, he may
send request for individual instruction by the Elder Brothers
through the General Secretary.

The International Headquarters of
The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Having formed the Rosicrucian Fellowship for the
purpose of promulgating the teaching given in this book, and
aiding aspirants on the path of progression, it became
necessary to find a permanent home and facilities requisite
for doing this work. To this end a tract of land was
purchased in the town of Oceanside, CA, ninety miles south
of Los Angeles and forty miles north of San Diego, the
south-westernmost city of the United States.
This tract occupies a commanding site having a most
wonderful view of the great Pacific Ocean to the west and
the beautiful snow capped mountains in the east.
Southern California offers exceptional opportunities for
spiritual growth, because of the ether atmosphere being
denser than in any other part of the world andMount
Ecclesia, as The Rosicrucian Fellowship Headquarters are
called, is particularly favored in this respect.

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