Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Instinct is suggestion of group spirit responded to by animal .... 78
Group spirit suffers when an animal is hurt .............................. 78
Group spirit is responsible for the similar traits, tastes
and appearance of the separate plants or animals in its tribe 71
Group spirit is responsible for the currents which flow
inwards in cold-blooded animals ....................................... 69
Outgoing currents in the desire body of animals are
generated by them, not by group spirits .............................. 69
Animal group spirits work in the blood by means of
their air inspired ...............................................................350
Difference between a group spirit and a human
Ego ..................................................................... 78, 82, 350
Diagram showing present location of group spirits ................... 74


(Which reach the human stage in our system)

LORDS OF MIND (started evolution before our scheme)
Became human in the Saturn Period, are expertmind-builders,
work only with man (who was mineral in Saturn
Period) .................................................................... 222, 427
The Father is their highest Initiate ..........................................376
They became Creative Intelligences in Earth Period ................243

ARCHANGELS (started prior to our scheme)
Became human in the Sun Period, are expert builders of
coarse desire stuff, work principally with animals
(which were mineral in Sun Period), but also
with man ..........................................................222, 349, 427
The Son (Christ) is their highest Initiate ..................................376
They become Creative Intelligences in Jupiter Period

ANGELS (started prior to our evolution)
Became human in Moon Period, are expert builders
of Ether Work specially with plants (which
were mineral in Moon Period) ...........................222, 349, 427
Their highest Initiate isJehovah, The Holy Spirit ....................376
They become Creative Intelligences in Venus Period

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