Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

VIRGIN SPIRITS (our present humanity)
Started evolution as mineral in Saturn Period ..........................205
Became human in the Earth Period We are now becoming
expert builders of Form from chemical mineral substance .426
In the Jupiter Period we shall vitalize the forms ......................428
In the Venus Period we shall give them feeling .......................428
In the Vulcan Period we shall become Creative Intelligences and
give the forms a mind ....................................................................428

ANIMALS started evolution in the Sun Period, become
human in Jupiter Period ................................................... 70, 224

PLANTS started evolution in Moon Period, become
human in Venus Period ..........................................................226

MINERALS started evolution in Earth Period, become
human in Vulcan Period ................................................. 230, 232

Desire for prolonged earth-life makes the spirit
earth-bound amid unpleasant surroundings .......................103
How conscience battles with desire ......................................... 89
Archetypes of desires, feelings and emotions ........................... 50

Why complications set in when a person is sick ....................... 64
Why pain is felt in a limb subsequent to the time of amputation 64
A spiritual cause of paralysis ................................................... 63
A spiritual cause of consumption and rachitis .........................113
Hæmolysis (destruction of blood corpuscles; see Human Organism)
Nostalgia (homesickness); how engendered by the
Race Spirit .......................................................................351

The cause of dreams, and why mostly confused ....................... 94
Dreamlike internal picture consciousness of animals
rational because engendered by group-spirit ......................217

DRUNKARD; how purged in Purgatory ........................................105

DROWNING; why drowning persons see past life in a flash ........... 61

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