Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Life may, and does, exist independently of concrete form .......248
Forms are always built to suit conditions ................................255
Man's past, present and future form ........................................257
How pineal gland preserved man's form from
destruction by fire in Lemuria ...........................................262
Why form evolves to a certain point; then
degenerates and dies .........................................289, 341, 343
Jehovah, the builder of form and giver of children .......... 334, 348
Bible story of Creation refers to form: Life is uncreate .... 332, 344
Life has no origin: Forms have ...............................................504

Genius and epigenesis ............................................................185
A genius builds better organism from parental
material than others ..........................................................138
Heredity cannot account for genius ........................................155
Why genius is AHEAD of its time .........................................161

GOOD; how assimilated by the spirit..................... 21, 47, 96, 123, 417

How hypnotism and anæsthetics affect vital body .................... 62

HUMANITY (topical)

Humanity compared with mineral, plant and animal ........................ 57
Origin of our faculties: sense perception, locomotion and thought .... 59
Man is the inverted plant ................................................................ 86
Seven human principles as correlated to five worlds ........................ 88
Man is a 3-fold spirit having a mind by which he
governs a 3-fold body and transmutes it to soul .................. 95
Man builds in heaven the body he uses on earth .............................128
In Hyperborean Epoch we had both lunar and solar
sex force, hence we were hermaphrodites .........................268
Why nations rise and fall ...............................................................289
Originally humanity were governed by one common group spirit ....351
Later Jehovah segregated them into nations ....................................352
Original Semites first to be given freewill and made
responsible to the Law of Consequence ............................301
Mission of Christ to reunite the races as Brothers ...........................352

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