Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Forgiveness and the subconscious mind ................................... 91
How it shortens or eliminates Purgatory .................................111
The doctrines of Forgiveness and Atonement do not
vitiate, but complement the Law of Causation ...................373

Depends upon presence of etheric matrix of body being
present in mother's womb and on seed atom .............. 137, 461
Seed atom withheld by group spirit when animals mate
outside their species .........................................................352

Why one man's meat is another's poison .................................. 84
Food as factor in evolution .....................................................165
The science of nutrition (chapter) ...........................................441
Why we do not take life when eating plant seed or eggs ..........461
The Law of Assimilation (chapter)..........................................457

Laws of Nature not blind, but Great Intelligences .................... 49
Archetypal Forces and the inception of form ........................... 51
Force is spirit not yet crystallized to matter ..................... 120, 247
Relation of force and matter illustrated ...................................121
Attraction and Repulsion; the twin forces, and how they
operate ............................................................................. 46
The Bible on “dual creative energy” .......................................324

All forms are built of one basic substance ................................ 31
Forms are crystallized space; at death it dissolves
to spirit .................................................................... 249, 186
Relation of Life, Form and Consciousness ..............................223
Reason for multiplicity of forms and their decay ...................... 31
All form devoid of true feeling ................................................ 31
Wonderful metamorphoses of forms in Desire World ............... 41
Archetypes of form ................................................................. 50
Archetypes build forms by sound ...........................................123
Sound the builder of climate, flora and fauna ..........................125
Form and life merge into one spirit in Chaos; seed
atoms of world globes alone remain intact ........................247

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