Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

First Creation story of Bible deals withform,
the second with the ensouling LIFE: nephesh ....................344
Nephesh chayim: breathing creatures; not living souls ............345
Life did not originate anywhere, at any time: it is ....................584
Taking life for food ...............................................................460
Why plant seed and eggs contain no life .................................461
Conception results only when etheric mold of a body
and the seed atom are present ...........................................137
Ego enters mother's womb 18 days after conception ...............138
Birth is the result of Ego's desire for experience ......................129
Birthplace usually chosen by Ego ...........................................136
Birth not accomplished when dense body is delivered .............139
Birth of vital body and growth ...............................................141
Birth of desire body and puberty ............................................142
Birth of mind and maturity .....................................................143
The problem of Life and Death ............................................... 19
How death is robbed of its terror ............................................. 27
Death by drowning or freezing ................................................ 61
Death by suicide and its dreadful consequences ......................104
Death by accident or on the battlefield ....................................118
The importance of peaceful surroundings at death ...................109
One of the main causes of infant mortality ..............................118
People who have died sometimes ignorant of that fact .............121
Death did not exist till latter part of Lemuria .................. 167, 278
Premature cremation causes departing spirit pain ..................... 98
The oftener we die, the better we shall live ..................... 244, 363
Death ofform gives spirit scope for advancement ...................249
Our liberty purchased at cost of death and pain .......................363
Degeneracy and death of races and nations .............................289
DECAY; an activity of the chemical forces in matter ......................... 31
Vital and dense bodies disintegrate simultaneously .................102
Premature incineration pains departing Spirit ........................... 98
Silver Cord fastened in left ventricle of heart by

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