Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

of the three worlds of a planet ............................................ 53
Telegraph system illustrating operation vital fluid .................... 63
Man's dense body a concretion of his finer vehicles as
snail’s house is crystallized snail ....................................... 73
Illustration of difference between man with indwelling
Ego and animal with group spirit ....................................... 78
Musician's hand and gloves showing obscuration of
consciousness during involution ........................................ 80
Entering house on sunny day and finding focus showing
purpose of evolution ......................................................... 81
Spirit buried in matter as seed in soil ....................................... 87
World soul symbolized in cross ............................................... 85
Boston doctor weighing soul of animal and man ...................... 99
The young cling to life in body as tenaciously as seed
to pulp of unripe fruit, the aged die as easily as seed
falls from ripe fruit ...........................................................103
Snail illustrating relation of force and matter ..........................121
Heidelberg wall and the walls of Jericho .................................122
Spiritual causes produce physical effects; one man
knocking another down ....................................................125
Necessity of a Creator; box of type and chaos .........................129
Nebular theory requires Creator and Sustainer ........................323
Blessing of pain; hand on hot stove ........................................131
How seed atoms gather material like magnet ..........................133
Heredity and individuality; carpenter takes materials
from certain pile, but builds as he will ..............................138
Shape of body depends on etheric matrix like ice crystals
on lines of force in water ..................................................137
Impossibility of escape frommature destiny ...........................161
Story of a remembered past life ..............................................172
Activity of chaos illustrated ...................................................208
Color illustrating the divine and human principles ..................252
The personality, the reverse reflection of spirit as trees
reflected in pond ..............................................................266
Vicarious Atonement .............................................................402
Value of a hard life ................................................................432
Initiation like pulling trigger of pistol .....................................520

TEARS; why women are more prone to emotion than men .............. 60

TEMPERAMENT not inherited .....................................................138

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