Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Alphabetical Index

Abel killed no animals, 166.
type of Lemurian Epoch, 166.
Abraham, allegory of, 319.
seed of, 351, 352.
Absolute, boundless being, 181.
center of earth corresponds to, 507.
creation resolved back to, 191.
God returns to, 200.
Abstract Thought, region of,see Thought, Abstract
densest dark globe in, 528.
is separative, 380.
Action, choice of, essential, 282.
conscious soul thrives by, 424.
desire body incentive to, 464.
right, promotes growth of conscious soul, 96.
Activity, an aspect of God, 182, 323.
third aspect of God, 324.
Adam became breathing creature, 345
knew Eve, 277.
the name of humanity, 326.
number representing, 500.
rib, story of, 346.
Adaptability, all progress depends upon, 223, 303, 337.
Adept, developed by first Great Initiation, 502.
unused sex currents of, 475.
Adm, distinguished from Adam, 326.
the number of humanity, 500.
Adoration, an aid in building inner vehicles, 495, 496.
final steps to, seldom accomplished without teacher, 495.
highest step toward union with God, 465, 495.
Aerial Region, 50.
Affix of surnames, origin of, 351.
Age of patriarchs, 354.
Agnosticism, destructive force of, 157.
Akkadians,see Atlantean races (subhead Akkadians).
Alchemists, students of the occult, 438.
Christian Rosenkreuz labored with, 518.
Alchemy and soul growth, 421-425.
Alcohol craved by desire body, 105.
counterfeit spirit, 169.
Alimentary canal begun in Sun Period, 211.
All-consciousness, of virgin spirits, 216.
All life is one, 50.

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