Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Allegories of the Bible, 319.
Altruism awakened by love of God, 371.
compared to sound vibration, 370.
developed by control of blood circulation, 399.
factor in attaining initiation, 404.
heart the home of, 398.
latent within all, 370.
selfishness being routed by, 368.
superseding patriotism, 355.
Alone Begotten,see Word.
Amphibians preceded birds, 332.
Amputation, pain follows, 64.
Analogy, one of the best helps to an understanding
of evolution, 330.
Ancestor worship, origin of, 295.
Ancient Truths in Modern Dress, 515.
Anæsthetics, effect of, on vital body, 62.
Angels aid Lords of Form, 262, 263.
belong to different evolution, 285.
brain not used by, 287.
built by force of love, 285.
build embryo in womb, 288.
build vital body, 222, 349.
builders of ether, 222.
control propagation, 283, 536.
cosmic wisdom flowed into, 285.
create without desire, 285.
direct evolution of plant kingdom, 299, 349, 427.
directed by Jehovah, 334.
double-sexed, 285.
function in vital body, 285.
guard each ego, 352.
humanity of Moon Period, 222, 240, 262-263, 333, 349, 376,
427, 446.
Jehovah, highest Initiate of, 376.
love of, is unselfish, 286.
perpetuate the race, 283, 288.
pioneers of Moon Period, 286.
reconstruct vital body, 240.
teach use of vital function, 222.
unable to communicate with brain-beings, 286, 361.
Angels, Recording, allow choice of embodiment, 136.
bring to birth at required time, 161.
build body of incoming ego, 135.
enforce payment of debts, 136, 161.
impress vital body with new panorama, 135.
Lords of Destiny, 135.

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