Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Astronomy, different theories of, 514.
Atlantean Epoch, 291, 332-333.
clearing of atmosphere of, and loss of clairvoyance, 294.
cunning of, 298.
desire body divided, 394.
desire nature strong in, 298.
education in, 296.
ego very weak in, 298.
eye evolved during, 276.
foggy condition of atmosphere in, 291.
(Fourth Epoch), 165.
man had spiritual perception in, 293.
man involuntarily clairvoyant in, 241.
man of, moved by flying leaps, 292.
man of, the Adam of the Bible, 332.
meat the food of, 166.
mind unfolded by man, 165, 298.
Nimrod, type of man of, 166.
sixth day of creation, 332.
spirit enters vehicles middle of third of, 309.
water of, less dense, 291.
Atlantean Races.
Akkadian (sixth race), 303.
evolved faculty of thought, 303.
unadaptable to new conditions, 303.
Mongolians (seventh race), 303.
evolved faculty of thought along orthodox lines, 303.
unprogressiveness of, 303.
Original Semites (fifth race), 297.
become subject to Law of Consequence, 301.
chosen people of Jehovah, 334.
developed cunning, 299, 309.
evolved corrective quality of thought, 297.
first race given free will, 302.
first race to discover brain superior to brawn, 299.
imbued with racial characteristics, 334.
last race forbidden to intermarry, 355.
led from Atlantis by great entity, 301.
married outside race, 310.
not led out of Egypt, 335.
progenitors of present Jews, 334.
seed race of Aryan, 298, 334.
used faculty of thought, 299.
Original Turanians (fourth race), 297.
black magicians, 297.
oppressed poor, 297.
selfish, 297.

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