Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Atlantean Races (cont.)
Original Turanians (cont.)
vain and ostentatious display of, 297.
worshiped kings, 297.
Rmoahals (first race), 294.
developed feelings, 294.
developed rudimentary language, 294.
feelings as spirits inspired them, 295.
harmless character of, 295.
possessed words of power, 295.
powers, resembled powers of nature, 294.
Tlavatlis (second race), 295.
developed germ of royalty, 295.
developed memory, 295.
felt separate selfhood, 295.
instituted ancestor worship, 295.
Toltec (third race), 295.
bestowed qualities upon offspring, 295.
education of, 295.
evolved memory, 296.
inaugurated hereditary succession, 295.
kings of Initiates, 297.
tended to divide into nations, 296.
valued experience, 296.
Atlantis, atmosphere of, foggy, 291.
beginning of separate nations in middle third of, 296.
clearing atmosphere of, 300.
conditions existing in, 291.
destroyed by flood, 168, 304.
educators appeal to instinct, 296.
memory of man greater than now, 296.
refugees of, the Mongolians, 304.
Atmosphere, clearing of, 300.
Atom, grouping of, true, 521.
Atomic weights, and valences, 410.
Atoms float in sea of ether, 58.
in cosmic root substance, 375.
vibrated by vital points, 61.
Atonement, vicarious, objections to, 400.
reason for its inclusion in Christian religion, 373.
reconciled to Law of Consequence, 402.
Attraction, battle of, with repulsion causes suffering, 47.
builds virtue, 47.
illustration of working of, 46.
involved in mental processes, 89.
law of, heredity explained by, 156.
Attraction (cont.)

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