Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

one of two twin forces in Desire World, 42.
operative in third region of Desire World, 44.
roused by interest, 46.
second aspect of Supreme Being manifests as, 375.
Aurora Borealis, and Martian “canals”, 259.
Aura becomes distinctive on completion of silver cord, 10.
brightness of, attracts Teacher, 525.
of earth, 406.
unselfishness increases luminosity of, 525.

Bacchus, significance of, 169.
Bacon, Sir Francis, works of, mutilated, 518.
and Shakespeare controversy, 251.
Baldus, Jacobus, first poem of, 251.
Bathing, benefit from, 445.
Beast, number of, 498, 514.
Beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning
hooks, 389.
Belief and knowledge, 147.
Bethlehem, Star of, 389, 391.
Bible, allegorical significance of, 319, 320.
agrees and differs with science, 330.
hidden meaning in, 319, 320.
Jewish and Christian doctrines of, 316.
King James, 318.
limitations of, 317-321.
mutilated, 314, 336.
names of God in, 333.
not an “open” book, 319, 322.
revisions have not greatly improved, 318.
occult analysis of Genesis, 317-364.
occult key to, 319.
original text lost, 320.
Talmud, 320.
Thorah, 319.
translators, forty-seven in all, 318.
Hebrew, 320.
Martin Luther, 318.
Masoretic, 320.
Septuagint, 320.
writers of, great occultists, 319.
Birth, each gives new chance, 363.
of desire body and puberty, 142.
of mind and maturity, 142.
of vital body and growth, 141.
Birth, (cont)

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