Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

production of, 143.
purified from desire, 538.
race spirit in, 353, 406.
relation of, to life spirit, 398.
relation to Memory of Nature, 354, 397.
soul of all flesh in, 350.
storehouse of subconscious memory, 91, 353, 397.
vantage ground of spirit, 356.
vehicle of ego, 91, 143-146, 238, 350, 356.
white corpuscles in, 455.
Blood, Cleansing,see Cleansing Blood.
Blood, lacked by our humanity in animal stage, 69.
recent acquisition of man, 218.
red, iron an essential constituent of, 268, 274.
requisite to a separate desire body, 69.
warm, requisite of indwelling spirit, 86, 348.
Bodies, father and mother are, 307.
interpenetration of, 58.
necessary for functioning in various worlds, 57.
suited to purpose they serve, 255.
transmuted into threefold soul, 424.
work on different bodies carried on simultaneously, 440.
Body, dense,see Dense Body.
Body, desire,see Desire Body.
Body of Christ, pierced in six places, 406.
Body, pituitary,see Pituitary Body.
Body, affected by occult development, 440, 441.
evolved at end of Moon Period, 217.
has individual will, 394.
instrument of ego, 156.
lower part of threefold, controlled by desire nature, 394.
man learns to build, 126.
method of spiritualization, 123.
prayer spiritualizes threefold body, 435.
quintessence of, built into threefold spirit, 123.
shape of, changes, 255.
vehicle of ego, 94.
worked on simultaneously, 440.
Body, vital,see Vital Body.
Bones formed in Lemurian Epoch, 346.
necessary for ego’s functioning, 456.
Borderland between heaven and purgatory, 112.
inhabitants of, 112.
Boundless being the essence of the Absolute, 181.
should be controlled through mind, 394.
Brain, activities of certain areas of, 399.
activity of, caused by Lucifer, 288.

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