Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

stages of, 139.
result of ego’s desire for experience, 129.
Birth place chosen by ego, 136.
Blavatsky and earth’s third motion, 512.
Blind man of gospels and rebirth, 170.
Blood, absorbs vital energy, 239, 353.
action of Mars in, 268, 274.
acts directly on stomach, 239.
carries the feelings and emotions, 91.
changes of temperature affect, 144.
channel of expression for vital body, 455.
children unable to generate, 143.
circulation controlled by life spirit, 399.
circulation due to light ether, 36.
circulation in health and disease, 445.
common, and longevity of Patriarchs, 354.
common, carries pictures of outside world, 398.
common, carries pictures from ancestors to descendants, 397.
common, caused by tribal marriages, 352.
common, destroyed by marriage outside family, tribe,
or race, 355.
control of, develops altruism, 399.
corpuscles given by parents, 143.
currents developed in Moon Period, 217.
deposits earthy matter in system, 443-444.
different in warm- and cold-blooded animals, 69.
driven to field of greatest activity, 239, 353.
ego, controls dense body through, 238.
ego operates vehicles by heat of, 350, 356.
etches pictures on seed atom, 398.
excess of, produced by positive vital body, 60.
hæmolysis of, 353, 356.
highest expression of vital body, 91, 239, 353, 397.
influence of, recognized by Scots, 145.
infusion in animals, 356.
iron in, 268, 274.
Jews forbidden to eat, 349.
man does not recognize himself as ego in common, 354.
medium for ego’s work on nervous system, 238.
mediates for the soul, 350.
mixing of, destroys negative clairvoyance, 355.
“most peculiar essence”, 145.
normal heat regulated by birth of mind, 145.
occult significance of, 145.
of Christ bore Sun Spirit into earth, 407.
passes through heart in every cycle, 397-398.
Blood (cont.)

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