Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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compared to death, 196, 244.
contains germ of manifestation, 252.
distinction ceases between form and life, 247.
everything dissolved but nuclei during, 247.
gives birth to new forms, 249.
homogenous state, 244, 247.
important in evolution, 250.
life of, based on work of active manifestation, 249.
necessary for stragglers, 250.
period of activity, 196, 207.
period of rest and assimilation, 196, 243, 250.
related to gas, 251.
root substance, 322, 325.
seed ground of cosmos, 252.
significance of different names, 247.
spirit of God, 252.
takes place between revolutions and periods, 207, 243, 250.
unifying in effect, 250.
wedding with cosmos, 252.
work of Hierarchies gain greatest efficiency in, 207.
work of revolution most powerful in, 207.
Cosmic Planes of solar systems, 179, 182.
varying rates of vibration in the different, 375-376.
Cosmic Root Substance crystallizes, 186.
molded by Word, 375.
negative pole of universal spirit, 186.
Cosmic sound first uttered in Moon Period, 219.
Cosmos merges into chaos, 244.
Cosmogony, importance of, 191.
Craters, 507.
Creation, accomplished in Lemuria, 364.
attained by evolution, 189.
Christian doctrine, 321-333.
described in Bible, 321, 346.
groaning and travailing of, 506.
lost word of, 363.
of form, 332, 344, 426-427.
of life, 299, 344, 427.
of new bodies, 361.
seven days of, 327, 333, 411-425.
Creation stories, contradiction of, 344.
Creative act gave physical consciousness, 283, 537.
Creative Fiat, 181, 375.
Creative Force,see Sex Force.
Creative Hierarchies,see Hierarchies.
Creative Word, manifestation of, 425-429.
molds root substance, 375.

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