Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

desirability of retaining, 444.
destroyed by higher vehicles, 92.
disintegrates at death, 511.
dulls suffering, 105.
during sleep, ego outside of, 482.
dwelling of God, 171.
each step increases hardness, 442.
ear first acquired by, 206.
earliest composition of, 261.
efficiency of, result of ego’s building, 128.
ego learns to build, 126.
ego’s correlative to physical world, 57, 252.
ego’s first vehicle, 75.
ego’s most valuable vehicle, 76, 237.
evolution of, 261.
finer part saved by divine spirit, 124.
formed under influence of Moon, 346.
future development of, 262.
future shape of, 256.
germ of, given, 206.
higher vehicles concentric with, 292.
increases in density, 442.
in four kingdoms, 56.
in fourth stage of evolution, 75, 76.
in involution, 255.
instrument of spiritual intelligence, 156.
interlocked with vital body, 62.
interpenetrated by higher vehicles, 88.
interpenetrated by planetary aura, 58.
keynote of, 369.
law of survival, 368.
never craves alcohol, 105.
nourishment of, 441-460.
of future no localized sense organs, 262.
of races, 289.
organization of, shows ego’s development, 128.
organs of, evolved by necessity, 276.
ossification of, 443, 453.
perfection of, 76, 236.
prayer for, 462.
premature loss of, in suicide, 104.
propagation of, controlled by Jehovah, 346.
proper activity gives soul growth, 96.
Dense Body, (cont.)
quintessence of, in earth’s strata, 511.
reaches highest development in Earth Period, 421-422.
reconstructed in Earth Period, 236, 237.

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