Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

dissolves when seed atom is removed, 120.
dissolves in First Heaven, 120.
division into parts, 235, 242, 394, 482.
division of, causes change of posture, 236.
division of, checks passion, 236.
effect of purgation upon, 105, 108, 114.
ego gathers material for, 134.
ego has great scope in molding, 138.
eventually to contain other bodies, 423.
evolved by milk, 166.
extends beyond dense body, 67.
field of operation of, 353, 455.
finer part, the emotional soul, 424, 482.
first work of aspirant to overcome, 433.
functions of, 66.
future organization of, 68.
gained possession of spleen, 455.
generated in Moon Period, 215.
germ of, from Lords of Individuality, 215.
growth of, 66.
higher part forms animal soul, 235, 394.
higher part “lower will”, 394.
holds dense body in center, 243.
importance of etching, 109.
impressed by law, 404.
impresses revenge on vital body, 463.
in cold-blooded animals, 69.
in future, interpenetrated by mind, 243.
in second stage of evolution, 75.
in different kingdoms, 65, 235.
individual personality in higher part of, 243.
induces development of languages, 433.
links to mind, 243.
liver central vortex of, 10.
lowest vehicle of Christ, 378.
lower part remains with dense body during sleep, 482.
macrocosmic, 140.
muscles and cerebro-spinal nervous system stronghold
of, 395, 455.
must be organized before vital body can divide, 484.
must be conquered, 381, 463.
of animals different from man, 65.
of anthropoids, 236.
Desire Body, (cont.)
of animals, not concentric, 77.
of child dying before fourteenth year, 117, 172.
of earth, evolutionary changes of, 404.

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