Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

in, 262, 263.
man sustained by solar forces, 269.
Hyperborean Epoch (Second Epoch), 165.
Hyperborea, Cain symbolizes man of, 166.
described by Genesis, 330.
ethereal plant forms solidified by heat, 331.
land of fire and crust islands, 331.
man given vital body, 165.
man of, agriculturalist, 166.
man of, functioned in vital body, 166.
man of, had dreamless sleep consciousness, 263.
man of, hermaphrodite, 268.
man plant-like in, 165, 263.
one language in, 433.
planets thrown off from Sun during, 263.
propagation during, 263.
Hypnotism, injurious effect on vital body, 62.
formerly “mesmerism”, 512.

“I Am” (the Ego) was before bodies, 352.
Ibbetson, Peter, story of, and dreaming true, 526.
Ice crystals, formation, 27.
Ideals, higher, result of allying mind to higher self, 465.
Ideals in concentration, 486.
Ideals, low, caused by mind, united to desire nature, 465.
Ideas become thought forms, 49.
future evolution of, 417-418.
Illusion of separateness, 217, 401.
Imagination, builds new body within womb, 284.
cultivation of true, 488.
cultivation of, in Lemuria, 281.
female power from Moon force, 267.
force first manifests as, 324.
importance of, 425.
in future to direct creation, 425.
process of image making, 353.
requires concentration, 486.
Imbecile wastes sex force that builds brain, 467.
Immaculate conception, 278, 378.
Immortality of body, 363.
Impressionability, region of, 44.
Inbreathing, 350.
Inbreeding and pictures in blood, 353-354, 397.
involuntary clairvoyance retained by, 471.
Incarnation, object of, 158.
India, people of, 167.

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