Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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to be absorbed by divine spirit, 428.
vivified by Lords of Form, 265.
Humanity, acquired free will, 288, 363.
acquired language, 278.
aided by Venus and Mercury, 271.
becoming expert body builders in chemical matter, 222.
bodies of, slowly purified, 437.
conduct of reflected in earth strata, 506.
creative Hierarchies, 423.
desire bodies of, purer since crucifixion, 408.
development of, and Initiation, 416.
divisible into seven rays, 439.
division of desire body, 394.
Elder Brothers have worked in secret for, 529.
enlightened by Lucifers, 287.
escape from disasters, 113.
first aided by reflected solar forces, 403.
four great steps of, 302.
given freedom under different race religions, 383.
in great need of invisible helpers, 496.
in past governed by group spirit, 351.
in past ignored opportunities, 167.
institute prayer, 434.
leaders of, creative hierarchies, 271, 325.
learns to appreciate unselfish life, 392.
must know good and evil through experience, 383.
never lived on Mercury or Venus, 275.
nine the number of, 500.
past unconsciousness of, 185.
progress through Periods, 189-191.
segregated into races, 306, 352, 401.
separate personality implanted in, 243.
seventh creative hierarchy, 326, 327.
sixteen paths to destruction, 306, 401.
steps of, 202.
still enslaved by race spirit, 384.
three steps of, 432.
three helps given, 433.
to form spiritual fellowship, 305, 312.
unconsciously directed, 436.
will be saved as a whole, 501.
works with mineral life wave, 427-428.
Humanity,see also Man, Races.
Hybrid, sterility of, 357.
Hygiene, effect on vital and desire bodies, 440-441.
Hyperborean Epoch, land of fire and crust islands, 262, 331.
Lords of Form (with Angels) clothe man with vital body

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