Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

humanity of the animals, 70, 342.
human spirit most prominent in, 423.
humanity of purer type, 70.
lowest globe in etheric region, 422.
man able to work with plants, 299, 428.
man becomes highly creative in, 427, 428.
man first works with life in, 298, 427, 428.
man’s accurate mental conceptions in, 418, 419.
mind vivified, 422, 427.
picture consciousness, 418.
superphysical beings at man’s service in, 419.
thoughts seen in, 418.
vital body densest vehicle in, 240, 242.
vital body reaches perfection, 422.
Jupiter Revolution (fifth) of Earth Period, critical point
of 229, 231, 235.
Juvenile court, 385.

Karma,see Consequence, law of.
Kathopanishad does not teach human rebirth in animal or
plant bodies, 158.
Key to Bible, 319.
Keynote, 123, 368-370.
Killing to eat, 458-462.
Kingdom, animal, pioneers of, 234.
Kingdom of God and little child, 5.
Kingdom, mineral,see Mineral.
Kingdoms, four,see Four kingdoms.
King James version of Bible, 318, 326.
Kings by grace of God, 273, 297.
Knights of Grail, under Jesus, 409.
Knights of Round Table, 409.
Knowledge, firsthand, 21, 430, 497, 528.
from concentrated thought, 487.
higher, open to seeker, 401.
of cause, 84.
of cosmogony, 191.
of self to be regained, 537.
prerequisite of judgment, 7.
super-physical, result of training, 25, 41, 480.
Tree of, 278, 362-363.
Krishna, Shri, sayings of, 406.
Labor, distribution of products of, 393.
Lamentation, injurious effect of, on dying, 101, 118.
Land, Promised, 310, 335.
our present Earth, 310.

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