Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

separate personality in Earth Period, 243.
sevenfold constitution of, 88.
seven human principles of, 88, 435.
should follow promptings of heart, 398-399.
sorrowed over loss of inner vision, 359.
started evolution in Saturn Period 205, 427.
still under race spirit, 384.
tenfold constitution of, 95.
thinks in his heart, 398.
type of, in Atlantis, 292.
two forces work in, 288.
will create by spoken word, 364.
Man,see also Humanity, Races, ego vehicles.
Manichees, order of, 418.
Manifestation, active, depends upon separateness, 247.
day of, 183-184, 190, 244, 388, 411, 495.
implies limitation, 181.
progress in, 249.
seven great periods of, 188.
various stages of, 184.
Mankind, most advanced of, initiated by Mercurians, 272.
help needed during stage of individualism by, 401.
nature forces aroused by anti-spiritual tendencies of, 508.
Marriage, chastity of imperative, 471.
honeymoon trips, 219.
in clan commanded by race spirits, 353.
in clan retains pictures in blood, 355.
international, 355, 359.
reproduction the duty of, 469.
tribal, 353.
Marrow, necessity for 143, 456.
Mars, action of, in blood, 268, 274
canals of, atmospheric currents, 259.
desire body of, interpenetrates earth, 268.
life on, low development of, 259.
man never lived on, 275.
mystery of, 259.
orbit of, has changed, 268.
polarized iron, 268, 274.
thrown off sun, 259.
Mars-Mercury occult name for Earth Period, 274, 411.
Mary highest type of purity, 378.
Masons, have little of occult, 501.
system of Initiation in past, 501.
Masoretic translation of Bible, 320.
Mastery of matter, purpose of evolution, 201.
Material Science, and story of Atlantis, 291.

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