Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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attempts of, to “create” life, 299.
doctrine of amphibians of, 332.
efforts of, to discover origin of life, 504.
gradually accepting occult ideas, 511.
plays the part of God, 323.
Materialism, causes volcanic disturbances, 113, 510.
age of, dark from spiritual standpoint, 529.
combated by Rosicrucians, 113, 518, 529.
destroys all vehicles, 231.
disease caused by, 113.
effect on postmortem progress, 112, 113, 510-511.
effects of, 409, 511.
hardening tendencies of, 113, 511.
may cause ego to leave evolution, 231.
of present, alarmed Leaders, 113, 518.
theories of, require a Creator, 323.
theory of death of, 149.
theory of, regarding origin of religion, 367.
Materialistic theory, 149-150.
Materiality, acme of, has been passed, 199, 401.
Materialization, 62.
Mathematics, cultivates abstract thought, 203.
liberation gained through, 203.
proficiency in, due to semi-circular canals, 126.
requires space-perception, 126.
study of, advocated by Pythagoras, 203.
Matter, all forms of, chemically the same, 31.
crystallized spirit, 120, 186, 247.
densest in Earth Period, 199.
devoid of feeling, 31.
merges into spirit in chaos, 247.
molded by mind, 149, 537.
of Bible, 322.
primordial, 375.
related to spirit, 120, 121, 247.
resolved into spirit, 121.
shuts spirit from consciousness, 76, 216.
spirit’s pilgrimage through, 87.
worlds of various states of, 29.
Meat,see Food.
Meditation, an aid in building inner vehicle, 489-492.
deals with form side, 494.
exercise of, 489-492.
history of object traced by, 494.
Meditation, (cont.)
richness of knowledge gained by, 489.
union of higher and lower natures accomplished by, 465.

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