Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Mixing Blood, ceremony of, 145, 353.
Mongolians,see Atlantean races (subhead Mongolians).
Monkeys,see Anthropoid Apes.
Moon, abode of failures of life wave, 264.
and Sun forces in propagation, 283.
beings of, degenerate, 334.
eighth sphere, 264-265.
emanations of, crystallizing, 265, 334, 346.
field of disintegration, 264.
Jupiter’s fourth, 259.
Moon Forces, active in form building, 265.
cause death, 265.
in intra-uterine development, 334.
work in female as imagination, 267, 268.
Moon Period, all-consciousness lost in, 216.
atmosphere of, “fire-fog”, 213, 217.
beings of, had gill-like organs, 228.
beings of, had horizontal animal spine, 228.
characteristic of, moisture, 213.
Cherubim aid man in, 215, 221, 229.
classes evolving in, 226.
consciousness of, internal pictures, 217.
dense body reconstructed in, 214.
described in Bible, 328.
division of globe, 218.
evolutionary status of man in, 216, 217, 228.
flowing currents of, 217, 219.
globes of, were water, 213.
human spirit linked to divine spirit in, 215.
human spirit linked to life spirit in, 216.
humanity of, the angels, 222, 349, 376.
Lords of Individuality took charge of, 214.
Lucifer Spirits progress in, 286.
man becomes able to make sound in, 219.
man fed upon milk of nature, 447.
man gains germinal desire body, 214-215, 422.
man in animal stage in, 217, 228.
man suspended by cord, 217, 228.
migratory propagative flights in, 219.
mineral-plant soil of, 227.
muscles acquired in, 214.
pictures of, seen involuntarily by man, 473.
pioneers of, fruit trees, 342.
plants and minerals in, 227, 228.
satellite of, 219.
Moon Period, (cont.)
Seraphim awakened germ of human spirit in, 215, 221, 228.

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