Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

sympathetic nerves originated in, 239.
stragglers of, 265.
three elements, 234.
three kingdoms of, 234.
vital body reconstructed, 214-215.
Moon Revolution (third) of Earth Period, 242, 243.
work on desire body in, 209.
Moons, beings of, may return to parent planet, 260.
dissolution of, 260.
encircling planets, 255.
purpose of, 218, 259-260, 264.
Moral growth, 39.
Morning Exercise, 702.
Moses, face shines at death, 406.
is reborn as Elijah, 405.
Mosses, lowest degenerations of plant kingdom, 343.
Motives, four admirable, 464.
Motion, an aspect of Supreme Being, 178, 181.
Mountain, place of initiation, 169.
Muscles, atrophying, 473.
expression of desire body, 395.
originated in Moon Period, 214.
operated by desire body, 455.
operated by ego, 89.
stronghold of desire body, 455.
two kinds of, 396.
Muscles, Involuntary, controlled by will, 396.
heart only involuntary muscle cross striped like
voluntary, 396.
lengthwise stripes of, 396.
Muscles, Voluntary, built by desire body, 394.
stripes lengthwise and crosswise, 396.
Music and color, relation of, 123, 124.
and work upon archetype, 123, 124.
in sounds of nature, 123.
of heaven world produces color, 123.
of the spheres, 119, 122.
second heaven home world of, 80, 119, 123, 124.
spiritual wings of new Slavic race, 305.
vibrations of, affect form, 122, 369, 375.
Musical ability, 126.
Musical keynote of every ego, 369.
Musician, mission of, to connect man with heaven, 127.
Muspelheim, south fiery boundary of Chaos, 247.
Mysteries, greater, 529.
probed by heart and mind, 18.
Mysteries, lesser, and earth’s strata, 499-500.

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