Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

deal with Earth Period, 525.
deal with Mercury half of Period, 413.
given to Lemurians, 414.
nine degrees in, 501, 525-528.
religion, science, and art taught in, 517.
schools of, 438, 520, 529.
Mystic, usually devoid of intellect, 520.
unused sex currents of, 475, 478.
Mystic Cross and Star, 389.

National spirit, influence of, to be transcended, 393.
Nations, rise and fall of, 289.
Nations, separate, originated in Atlantis, 296.
have had their day, 437.
Nature, changes of, slow, 184, 226.
processes of, slow, 226, 348, 368.
with acquisition of thought man loses power over, 298.
Nature Forces, agents of retributive justice, 506-507, 508.
Nature spirits, dead work with, 126.
Nebula, fiery, is spirit, 249.
Nebular theory related to occult science, 249, 322-325.
fails to explain many facts, 514.
requires a creator, 323.
theory, 205.
Negro, dense body of, 290.
descendant of Lemurian, 304.
helped by one of own race, 313.
Nephesh,see Breath.
Neophyte must understand what he sees, 480.
Neptune influences astrologers, 260.
not of our solar system, 260.
Nerve, pneumogastric, 398.
Nerves, an expression of desire body, 353.
and vital fluid, 63.
Nervous system, divided in Earth Period, 239.
expression of desire body, 353.
originated in Moon Period, 214.
Nervous system, Cerebro-spinal, built by desire body, 394.
and brain, secondary vantage of human spirit, 397.
under control of will, 476.
Nervous system, Sympathetic, controls involuntary muscles, 395.
started in Moon Period, 239.
Nervous system, voluntary, started in Earth Period, 239-240.
Neshamah, Hebrew word for soul, 350.
New Galilee, sixth epoch, 303, 305, 311, 360.
New heaven and new earth, 311.

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