Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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Recording Angels,see Angels, Recording.
Red blood, warm, and indwelling spirit, 69, 86, 268, 274.
outgoing current of, 69.
cold, currents of, directed inward, 69.
Redemption,see Salvation.
Reflecting ether, carries pictures to life spirit, 398.
records of, unreliable, 38.
records of, used by mediums, 38.
reflects memory of nature, 37, 38.
retains record of every happening, 37.
transmits thought, 38, 90.
Reflection of higher worlds and regions in lower, 51.
Regent of earth, 408.
Regents of planets, 182.
Regions of physical world, 30, 54.
of thought world, 30, 54.
subdivisions of different, 30.
Regions,see also Worlds.
Reincarnation,see Rebirth.
Relaxation preceding concentration, 485.
Religion, evolution of, 367.
evolves with man, 367.
four steps in, 302, 303.
proselyting objectionable, 164, 308.
true, embodies science and art, 516.
Religion of Father,see Father, religion of.
orthodox, fetters of, 519.
universal, to be Christianity, 367.
Religions, earlier, preliminary to Christianity, 164.
hidden teachings in, 520.
pre-Christian, taught rebirth, 167.
various, necessary, 371.
Repentance, 107, 111.
Replenish, significance of word, 332-333.
Reproduction, duty of, 539.
Repulsion and attraction, 42, 43.
dominates lower desire world, 42.
in thought processes, 46, 89, 90.
mainspring of, is self-assertion, 45.
shatters vice, 47.
Rest between periods and revolutions, 250.
compared with sleep, 94.
Restitution, purgative effect of, 107.
Retrogression or progression, 341.
Retrospection advances aspirant, 111.
review of day’s happening, 111.
shortens purgatory, 111.

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