Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

frustrates designs of ego, 399.
gained in Aryan Epoch, 298.
in conflict with heart, 393.
superseded by love, 311.
to satisfy, aim of Rosicrucians, 439.
Rebirth and Law of Consequence, 147-174.
and precession of equinoxes, 159.
Christian doctrine, 164, 170.
compatible with justice, 153.
continued embodiments in perfecting
vehicles, 153, 338-340.
ego’s preparation for, 133-139.
evidenced by genius, 155.
not adequate for stragglers, 401.
proved by occult investigation, 147.
provides purpose for living, 132, 133.
purpose of, gaining experience, 130, 131, 158.
reconcilable with Christ’s atonement, 401.
regulated by sun’s position, 159.
temporary suppression of truth of, 167, 168.
Rebirth, Law of, allows free will in detail, 129.
applies to evolution of earth, 412.
brings ego back to work for self and others, 133.
compatible with evolution, 151.
connected with planetary movements, 159, 160.
differs from transmigration, 157.
explains life, 157.
Law of, not unalterable, 160-161.
Law of, secretly taught, 160-169.
meets individual need, 161.
public teaching of, forbidden by Christ, 164, 165.
repeated embodiments in gradually improving vehicles, 153.
taught in story of blind man, 170.
taught prior to Christ, 167.
Rebirth,see also Consequence, Law of.
Rebirths of our Earth, 190, 401.
Recapitulation always on higher spiral, 208, 245.
and embryo, 255.
as spirals within spirals, 245, 420-421.
Bible refers to, 329.
in ante-natal development shows past stages of
evolution, 255, 343-344.
necessary at beginning of each period, 208.
of previous periods, 208-209, 420-421.
shows past stages of evolution, 343-344.
takes up new work, 209.
Reconstruction of earth’s surface, 129.

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