Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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in world of divine spirit, 216.
life of incorporated in globe, 205.
Lords of Flame work on globes of, 206.
Lords of Mind humanity of, 222, 376, 427.
man mineral-like, 205, 212, 427.
one element of, 234.
sense organs, ability to develop in, 206.
stragglers of, 224, 230.
virgin spirits in world of divine spirit in, 216.
Saturn Revolution, (first), brain formed in, of Earth Period, 236.
first work on dense body, 208, 236, 239.
Savages, descendants of Lemurians, 289, 304.
Savior, physical and spiritual, 391.
Savior,see also World Savior.
Science and Art, corroborates occultism, 99.
deals only with form, 185, 248, 342.
embodied in true religion, 516.
erroneous conclusions of, 342.
must become reverent, 299, 410.
taught in initiation temples in Lemurian times, 281.
Science, orthodox, fetters must be repudiated, 519.
overlooks degeneration of form, 291.
Science, occult, harmonizes with science, 322.
theories of, regarding earth strata, 498, 511.
Scotch, clairvoyance of, 354.
Second Coming depends on separation of church and state, 386.
in sixth epoch, 360.
unifying effect of, 384.
Second sight,see Clairvoyance.
Seed Atom, Dense, blood etches pictures upon, 398.
fastens silver cord, 98.
forces of, leave body at death, 97.
forces of, retained from life to life, 97.
forces of, retained in all vehicles, 97.
gathers new material, 134.
in left ventricle of heart, 97, 396.
nucleus for next body, 97.
of world globes persist in chaos, 247.
placed in semen, 137.
returned to Jesus by Christ, 408.
withheld by group spirit, 357, 461.
Seed Atom, Desire, extracted in First Heaven, 120.
nucleus for new desire body, 134.
seat of conscience, 120.
Seed Atom, Mind, gathers new mind material, 133.
Vital, forces of, extracted after death, 103.
Seed, of Abraham, 351, 352.

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