Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

martial ray, and have trodden its path of activity and
passion, not caring who suffered or what became of others.
In another life we came under the lighter ray of the Venusian
color, and trod the path along the love side of life. Later still,
the path of the deep blue, or Saturn Ray, and still later the
path of the lighter blue or Jupiter Ray. So we all look
forward toward the higher perception which comes from the
yellow Uranian Ray, though most of us are not at present
capable of receiving it, but must be content with the lower
deeper yellow of the Mercury Ray. We are all working
gradually toward the white light that comes from the Sun,
which is the union of all color. To this we must aspire, for
the light from any of the other rays is but secondary. From
the great central Source come all things.
“And what about the darkness,” someone asks, “is that
evil?” No, there is nothing evil in God's universe. During the
day we perceive by the light of the Sun the glories of this
little Earth that swings in space, and perhaps if there were
only light, we should perceive nothing beyond this Earth and
remain ignorant that there is more than the Sun and Moon.
But when night comes, and the glories of the day have
faded, when the Sun no longer illumines the sky, we can
realize, to a certain extent at least, the immensity of space.
We can see worlds millions and millions of miles away, and
the Spirit is incited to wonderful devotion, as we dwell upon
the Truth that GOD IS ALL IN ALL.—Max Heindel.

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