Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Addendum B: Footnote to Chapter III


Question No. 31:Is it wrong to interfere with karma, or
should we assert our divinity and rise above circumstances
by affirmation of our Godhood?

Answer: A question like the above was asked Mr.
Heindel at one of his recent lectures in Los Angeles and he
answered about as follows: While all great religions are
God-given, there is a Western religion for the Western
peop le as well as Hinduis m for the p eople of India and I can
see no good reason why we should copy their terminology
and force people here to learn Sanskrit when we have an
excellent language of our own, with terms capable of
explaining everything. To make the matter clear, we will
take an instance which occurred a number of years ago.
There was at that time a controversy in a certain society
which makes the mistake of promulgating Eastern teachings
and using their terms here in the West. The dispute was
about the word “Avyaktam”.
Not even the Hindus are certain about the meaning of
their terminology. Tons of paper and barrels of ink were
used to settle the controversy and the following seems to be
the definition upon which they finally compromised:
“Avyaktam” is Parabraham clothed in Mulaprakriti, from
which its UPAHHIS are made during the Manvantara and
into which they are again resolved on arrival of the
Arolaya.” Mr. Heindel then said that he hoped the audience
understood the meaning of “Avyaktam”. When the audience

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