ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

ACSM Health & Fitness Summit 2013
Anne Lindsay


Session Outline
ACSM Health and Fitness Summit
March 14, 2013

Get Ready! Get Set! Let's Go!

Anne Lindsay
Associate Professor, Exercise Physiologist
University of Nevada Reno, Extension
8050 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89 123
[email protected]

It’s been nearly 20 years since the first initiative was released by the federal government
declaring physical activity as a major risk factor for disease. Why aren’t we healthier
and more physically active after all this time? We are still a sedentary population. This
session will provide an expanded, practical approach model for promoting physical
activity in sedentary individuals including the difference between increasing physical
activity and decreasing sedentary behaviors. The value of incidental physical activity
and recreation will be addressed including validation of effort rather than judgment of

  1. Who am I? Who are you!

  2. “All dressed up, just hoping for a ride!” (well informed but unable to execute)

  • Evidence-based physical activity guidelines and initiatives in place since1996

  • We know what we need to do, we know it will improve our health

  • So why does physical activity still remain a pressing public health issue?

  • Ideally change the built environment, then the person.

  • But it can’t wait.

  1. What does a public health issue have to do with me?

  • How effective are you?

  • Are you reaching the whole population?

  • Why do some people always “quit”?

  • Even the lazy have needs and $. They just don’t want to buy what you’re selling.

  • How can you engage those individuals?

  • New marketing strategy for un-gymed population (the January do-gooders!)

  1. Stop singing to the choir!

  • Reaching the un- gymed population

  • What do they look like?

  • How do we increase their physical activity?

  • Or should we? What about decreasing their sedentary behavior?

  • What’s the difference?

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