ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

V. Pinterest

  1. Set up and getting started, the ‘Pin It’ button

  2. Boards

  3. Pinning and re-pinning

  4. Analytics

VI. YouTube

  1. Set up and getting started

  2. Posting videos

  3. Channels

  4. YouTube EDU

  5. Analytics

VII. LinkedIn

  1. Set up and getting started

  2. Professional Platform

  3. Groups

  4. Career pages

VIII. Additional platforms

  1. Instagram

  2. Google +

  3. Foursquare

  4. Others

IX. Managing multiple platforms

  1. Social media dashboards

  2. Social media manager and staff

X. Netiquette

  1. Do’s and Don’t’s

  2. Policies and strategies

Take Away Messages:

  1. As fitness professionals, it is essential to use several social media platforms

  2. You must create and follow a clear strategy for using social media to enhance
    your business and communication

  3. Monitor results to measure success

Fred Hoffman, M.Ed.
[email protected]
twitter: fredhoffmanfit
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