leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

The second point reflects the framework’s inclusion of individual factors
(Organisational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Work Values and Work Meaning),
interpersonal and group factors (Motivational Leadership and Social Support),
organisational process factors (Empowerment) and organisational outcome factors
(Job Performance).

Figure 4 - 3 illustrates the hypothesised inter-relationships between these factors
using single headed arrows → to indicate causal relationships (dependent
variables have arrow/s flowing into them). In addition to illustrating the proposed
hypotheses, Figure 4 - 3 introduces a simplified description of the four domains at
the foot of each column: Values, Processes, Attitudes and Behaviours. This
simplified categorisation is drawn from the values→attitudes→behaviour
(V→A→B) hierarchy described by Homer and Kahle (1988: 638-639). The
V→A→B hierarchy provides a more general psychology theory underpinning (see
e.g. Ajzen 2001: 42) for a number of the hypotheses relating to the linkages
between Work Values, Employee Attitudes and the secondary organisational

Figure 4-3 Organising framework with hypothesised causal links

Combining insights from the organisational psychology/organisational behaviour
frameworks described by Huelsman (2007) and OBWeb (2011) with the more
generic psychology values→attitudes→behaviour hierarchy described by Homer

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