leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

perceptions of greater opportunities for upward career mobility and that pursuing
these opportunities can often mean finding a job with another employer.

Factors accounting for high quality LMX relationships
Good/high levels of:

 communications;
 respect and trust;
 championing of subordinates;
 use of reward power;
 social support; and
 employee empowerment.

 low levels of coercion; and
 culturally congruent dyads.

Outcomes generated by high quality LMX relationships

Increases in subordinates’:

 commitment;
 job satisfaction;
 job performance;
 esteem;
 role quality;
 empowerment;
 pay satisfaction
 organisational citizenship
behaviour; and
 intention to quit (Kim, B. et al.

Decreases in subordinates’:
 employee envy;
 levels of burnout; and
 intention to quit (Borchgrevink and
Boster 1998)a.
Increases in leaders’:
 levels of referent power
(encouraging subordinates
identification with their leader).

a Borchgrevink and Boster found a negative linear relationship (low quality LMX = increase in
turnover intention) while Kim et. al. found a curvilinear relationship between LMX quality and
turnover intent (both high and low quality LMX = increase in turnover intent)
Source: author

Figure 3-1 Summary of hospitality leadership LMX research findings

Figure 3 - 1 summarises the range of antecedents and outcomes which have been
reported in the LMX-based hospitality-leadership studies.

3. 6 Transformational leadership theory work

Transformational leadership (TL) has become the most frequently employed
theoretical focus for published leadership-related hospitality articles in recent
years (see Table 3 - 1 ). However, in common with the majority of the leadership-
related hospitality studies reviewed above, analysis of the TL studies reveals that
there has been little systematic application or progression of theory in this area.
Studies in this area which do systematically address similar themes and research
questions are (a) three of the four studies undertaken by Tim Hinkin and Bruce

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