Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. People have suggested various reasons why some people with addiction do not get the help they
    need. Which TWO or THREE of the following do you personally think are the main reasons why
    people with an addiction to alcohol, prescription or other drugs do not get help? Please let me
    know if you would like me to read the list again. (IF “ALL,” ASK:) If you had to choose just two
    or three, which would you choose?

72.0 Denial--refusal to admit the problem or not wanting to quit
38.0 Fear of consequences like losing job, getting expelled from school or losing child custody
29.1 Fear of social embarrassment or shame
28.3 Insufficient available or affordable treatment programs
20.3 Don’t believe treatment would help
19.1 Fear of physical or emotional pain of withdrawal
15.9 Insufficient information about how and where to get help
1.0 Other
3.4 All
0.0 None
0.5 Not sure

  1. Which TWO or THREE of the following are your main source of information about treatments for
    addiction to alcohol, tobacco, prescription or other drugs?

37.7 A friend or family member’s personal experience
32.5 Health care professionals
25.7 Internet
24.4 News media such as newspapers or television news
20.1 Your own personal experience
15.4 Advertisements for treatment programs
13.2 Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
12.6 Entertainment media like movies and TV shows
11.4 Academic research and scholarly journals
10.1 School guidance or health offices
8.2 Magazines about celebrities and entertainment news
2.6 Not sure

  1. Do you think public health insurance plans like Medicare or Medicaid that are paid for by the tax
    dollars of people like you should cover treatment for addiction to (READ ITEM) or do you not
    think so? (IF “YES,” ASK:) Do you think public health insurance plans should provide patients
    with as much treatment as they need for the addictions to (READ ITEM) without limits or do you
    think there should be limits on addictions treatment such as “X” number of physician visits or “Y”
    number of days per year of hospital or other residential care?

Prescription medications
25.6 Yes, should cover treatment without limits
42.3 Yes, should cover treatment with limits on days
3.4 Not sure about limits
22.8 No, should not cover treatment
6.0 Not sure

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