Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. To what extent does each of the following stand in the way of people looking for needed
    treatment for addiction/substance abuse?
    Not at all Somewhat Very much
    Denial of an addiction problem 0.0 14.5 85.5
    Belief that treatment does not work 3.6 63.9 32.5
    Fear that one will be discriminated against if
    looking for treatment

12.0 48.2 39.8

Fear of losing child custody (to the state or to
another individual competing for custody)

1.2 25.3 73.5

Fear of losing job 3.6 34.9 61.4
Fear of being sent to prison or jail 16.9 41.0 42.2
Inability to pay/lack of or insufficient medical

9.6 44.6 45.8

Waiting lists that are too long 37.8 40.2 22.0

  1. To what extent does each of the following stand in the way of people receiving needed treatment
    for addiction/substance abuse?
    Not at all Somewhat Very much
    Lack of a treatment facility that is conveniently

20.7 62.2 17.1

Lack of a treatment facility providing services that
are suited to the individual client's needs

15.9 45.1 39.0

Lack of ability to pay for treatment (including lack
of private sources of funds and/or insurance

14.6 42.7 42.7

  1. To what extent does each of the following stand in the way of treatment providers in New York
    State’s ability to provide effective services to people in need of addiction/substance abuse
    Not at all Somewhat Very much
    Insufficient program funding 2.4 35.4 62.2
    Insufficient insurance coverage for clients/patients 3.6 36.1 60.2
    Insufficient salaries to attract and retain high-
    quality staff

3.6 21.7 74.7

Insufficient number of trained counselors

10.8 47.0 42.2

Insufficient number of trained Master’s-level

19.5 52.4 28.0

Insufficient number of trained PhD-level

54.3 37.0 8.6

Insufficient number of trained MD/DO-level

35.8 51.9 12.3

Insufficient number of appropriately trained staff
with the qualifications necessary to provide
treatment for co-morbid physical or mental health

3.7 40.2 56.1

Insufficient number of appropriately trained staff
with the qualifications necessary to provide
pharmacological therapies

15.7 57.8 26.5
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