Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. At what stage(s), if any, in the treatment of an individual patient, does your program assess how
    well treatment is working? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
    2.4 Our program does not assess how well treatment is working (GO TO #38)
    60.2 At treatment program exit
    20.5 One month after treatment
    37.3 2 to 6 months after treatment
    24.1 7 to 12 months after treatment
    8.4 More than one year but less than five years after treatment
    2.4 Five years or more post-treatment

  2. In your opinion, what are the three primary ways a program should assess its effectiveness,
    assuming that a program has sufficient resources for this? (CHECK UP TO THREE
    0.0 Program effectiveness does not require evaluation
    7.2 Informal reports of staff perceptions
    45.8 Random client feedback/testimonials
    32.5 Drug test results
    57.8 Program completion rates
    2.4 Reduction in use based on self-report of clients only
    33.7 Reduction in use based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    1.2 Abstinence from use based on self-report of clients only
    45.8 Abstinence from use based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    1.2 Remission of symptoms based on self-report of clients only
    34.9 Remission of symptoms based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    0.0 Reduced recidivism rates for criminal offenders based on self-report of clients only
    26.5 Reduced recidivism rates for criminal offenders based on self-report of clients AND other
    information from justice departments


  1. Given sufficient resources, what are three ways you would change your program to improve
    treatment quality at your facility?
    26.8 Hire more staff with experience/higher education
    19.1 More access to education/resources/training
    10.0 Decrease caseload/paperwork
    9.6 More sessions/groups/treatment options
    6.8 Better case management (employment, housing, child care)
    6.4 Better pay for staff
    4.6 More space/change facility
    3.6 Add mental health component in treatment
    1.8 Use electronic records/administrative technology
    11.4 Other

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