Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. From the list below, please select the top two factors that mainly motivate you to keep you doing
    73.0 The work is rewarding
    29.8 The work is enjoyable
    15.6 I like my colleagues
    34.0 I like my clients
    2.1 The pay is good
    5.0 The hours are good
    5.0 The benefits are good
    2.8 No other jobs are available
    15.6 I made it out of addiction and consider it my responsibility to help others
    6.4 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)

  2. If you were to leave your job, what are the top two reasons you would do so? (CHECK UP TO
    42.6 I do not plan to leave my job
    17.7 The work is frustrating
    5.7 I dislike my colleagues
    0.0 I dislike my clients
    47.5 The pay is too low
    8.5 The hours are not good
    10.6 The benefits are not good
    0.7 I made it out of addiction and do not want to deal with this issue anymore
    28.4 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)


  1. Given sufficient resources, what are three ways you would change your program to improve
    treatment quality at your facility?
    9.6 Higher pay/incentives for staff
    9.3 Improve facilities/more space and activities
    9.0 Hire more qualified staff
    8.7 Spend more time with clients/lower caseloads
    8.3 Decrease paperwork/improve efficiency in process
    8.3 Provide more training/education to staff/team
    6.1 Provide more resources for client (child care, transportation, etc.)/case management
    5.8 Insurance coverage/funding
    5.8 Eliminate/add treatment, effective treatment
    5.4 Better counselors, more specialized for cultural/language differences
    2.9 Customized services for women/children/families
    2.6 Better materials/services/procedures (quality assurance)
    18.3 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)

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