Simple Nature - Light and Matter
h/Close to the surface, the relationship between E and σ is a fixed one, regardless of the geometry. The flea can’t determine th ...
i/Fields contributed by nearby parts of the surface, P, Q, and R, contribute toE⊥. Fields due to distant charges, S, and T, have ...
The field near a point, line, or surface charge example 16 .Compare the variation of the electric field with distance,d, for sma ...
a/Two oppositely charged capacitor plates are pulled apart. 10.4 Energy in fields 10.4.1 Electric field energy Fields possess en ...
of notation, we write this as dUe∝E^2 dv, or dUe=aE^2 dv, where ais a constant of proportionality. Note that we never really mad ...
self-check D We can think of the quantity dUe/dvas theenergy densitydue to the electric field, i.e., the number of joules per cu ...
b/Example 19. c/Example B. Part of the outside sphere has been drawn as if it is transparent, in order to show the inside sphere ...
of theinwardfield contributed by the outside sphere is |E−|= { 0, r<b k q/r^2 , r>b . In the region outside the whole capa ...
d/Discussion question A. e/Discussion question B. Discussion Questions A The figure shows a positive charge in the gap between t ...
space,^2 while charge doesn’t, we can anticipate that the mathemat- ical rule connecting a magnetic field to its source-currents ...
10.5 LRC circuits The long road leading from the light bulb to the computer started with one very important step: the introducti ...
a/The symbol for a capaci- tor. b/Some capacitors. c/Two common geometries for inductors. The cylindrical shape on the left is c ...
f/Inductances in series add. g/Capacitances in parallel add. in a circuit regardless of its actual geometry. How much energy doe ...
h/A variable capacitor. i/Discussion question B. store one quarter the energy. Two capacitors, each storing one quarter the ener ...
j/A series LRC circuit. k/A mechanical analogy for the LRC circuit. the amount of energy stored in the electric field? How does ...
in time: x↔q v↔I self-check G How isvrelated mathematically tox? How isIconnected toq? Are the two relationships analogous? .Ans ...
.If the filter consists of an LRC circuit with a broad resonance centered around 1.0 kHz, and the capacitor is 1μF (microfarad), ...
Now with the electrical oscillator, the analog of position is charge. Pulling the mass away from equilibrium is like depositing ...
l/The inductor releases en- ergy and gives it to the black box. fined so that the energy wasinverselyproportional toCfor a given ...
But where is this electric field coming from? There are no charges anywhere that could be creating it! What we’ve discovered is ...
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