of images, 783
real, 782
virtual, 778
impedance, 628
of an inductor, 631
impedance matching, 635, 739
incoherent light, 813
statistical, 857, 858
independent probabilities
law of, 858
index of refraction
defined, 802
related to speed of light, 803
defined, 613
induction, 620
inductor, 611
inductance, 611
inertial frame of reference, 63
information paradox, 451
inner product, 425
in quantum mechanics, 981
on a general vector space, 965
defined, 540
rotational, 195
inverted reflection, 376
Io, 766
iodine, 863
ion drive, 134
isotopes, 508
Ives-Stilwell experiment, 428
James, 856
joule (unit), 74
Joule, James, 73
paddlewheel experiment, 76
junction rule, 553
Jupiter, 766
kelvin (unit), 314
Kelvin scale, 75
Kepler’s laws, 96
Keynes, John Maynard, 474
kilo- (metric prefix), 24
kilogram, 25, 56
standard, 57
kinetic energy, 76
compared to momentum, 136
kinetic energy theorem, 169
kinetic friction, 156
coefficient of, 157
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 55
Laplace, 16
Laplace, Pierre Simon de, 855
Laplacian, 655, 910
Lavoisier, Pierre-Andr ́e
conservation of mass, 59
execution, 55
least time, principle of, 776, 809, 825
Leibniz, 94
lens, 806
lensmaker’s equation, 808
light, 16
absorption of, 767
angular momentum of, 733
brightness of, 769
defined, 482
Doppler shift for, 426
electromagnetic wave, 724
momentum of, 135, 448, 460, 730
particle model of, 769
ray model of, 769
speed of, 765
wave model of, 769
waves, 364
light cone, 420
lightlike, 420
LIGO, 583
line integral, 220
linear independence, 965
linear no-threshold, 520
linear operator, 965
Lipkin linkage, 841
LNT, 520
loop rule, 558
Lorentz invariance, 423
Lorentz transformation, 404
Lorentz, Hendrik, 404
LRC circuit, 637
lumped-circuit approximation
for capacitors, 601
magnetic dipole, 678
Index 1097