diffraction, 813
full width at half maximum, 863
full width at half-maximum, 184
fundamental, 386
fundamental theorem of algebra, 626
FWHM, 184, 863
Galileo, 765
Galilean relativity, 62, 195
inertial and gravitational mass, 61
Galileo Galilei, 36
gamma decay
nature of emitted particle, 497
gamma ray,seegamma decay
pair production, 439
garage paradox, 410
spectrum of, 898
gas discharge tube, 621
gauss (unit), 1027
Gauss’ law, 648
differential form, 652
Gauss’ theorem, 642
for gravity, 648
proof of, 647
Gaussian pillbox, 649
general relativity, 443
generator, 620, 714
geothermal vents, 855
Germer, L., 890
GFI, 687
Gisin’s theorem, 916
global warming, 114, 521
goiters, 863
gradient, 220
graphical addition of vectors, 203
gravitational field, 82, 579, 580
energy density of, 609
gravitational time dilation, 447
gravitational waves, 582
Gravity Probe B, 444
ground fault interrupter, 687
group velocity, 896
half-life, 863
Halley’s comet, 135
Hamiltonian, 988
handedness, 685
harmonics, 386
Hawking radiation, 325
Hawking singularity theorem, 454
Hawking, Stephen, 454
heat, 74, 308, 315
compared to temperature, 74
compared to thermal energy, 75
heat capacity
at constant pressure, 342
at constant volume, 342
heat engine, 307
heat transfer
by conduction, 113
by convection, 113
by radiation, 113
Werner, 900
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 900
in three dimensions, 921
helium, 937
Helmholtz resonator, 344
hermitian operator, 982
Heinrich, 730
Hertz, Heinrich, 873
Heinrich, 816
Hiroshima, 519
homogeneity of spacetime, 403
Hooke, 474
Hooke’s law, 173
hormesis, 520
Hubble, Edwin, 370
Hugo, Victor, 473
Huygens’ principle, 815
hydrogen atom, 925
angular momentum in, 919
classification of states, 918
energies of states in, 927
energy in, 919
momentum in, 919
quantum numbers, 925
hysteresis, 743
ideal gas law, 319
formed by curved mirrors, 781
formed by plane mirrors, 778
location of, 788
method of (electrostatics), 655
1096 Index