uncertainty principle, 900
in three dimensions, 921
unitary evolution of the wavefunction, 969, 984
unitary operator, 984
natural relativistic, 406
nonmetric, 1068
units, conversion of, 28
unstable equilibrium, 87
addition, 198
defined, 197
division by a scalar, 198
dot product, 216
four-vector, 425
magnitude of, 198
multiplication by a scalar, 198
subtraction, 198
vector addition
analytic, 203
graphical, 203
vector cross product, 286
vector product, cross, 286
vector space, 964
addition of
relativistic, 428, 461
vector, 205
group, 896
phase, 896
velocity filter, 682
vision, 764
volt (unit)
defined, 535
defined, 536
related to electric field, 590
operational definition, 34
scaling of, 35
Voyager space probe, 458
specific heat, 74
definition of, 878
dispersive, 809, 894
electromagnetic, 724
energy related to amplitude, 377
light, 724
wave model of light, 769, 816
wave-particle duality, 878
probability interpretation of, 879
complex numbers in, 911
of the electron, 893
wavelength, 366
wavenumber, 995
absorption of, 374
dispersive, 367
frequency of, 365
gravitational, 582
interference, 382
light, 364
medium not transported with, 356
on a string, 360
patterns, 358
period of, 365
reflection of, 374
sound, 363
standing, 386
superposition of, 354
transmission of, 374
velocity of, 357
wavelength, 366
weak nuclear force, 512, 686
whale songs, 376
Wicked Witch of the West, 889
Wigner, Eugene, 788
defined, 166
work theorem, 168
world-line, 425
x-rays, 16
Yarkovsky effect, 193
Young, Thomas, 816
zero-point motion, 963
1102 Index