Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

Results from Meyer et al., 1963

v Y
0.9870 1.0002(5)
0.9881 1.0012(5)
0.9900 0.9998(5)

A high-precision test of this fundamental relativistic relationship
was carried out by Meyeret 1963 by studying the motion of
electrons in static electric and magnetic fields. They define the

Y^2 =


m^2 +p^2


which according to special relativity should equal 1. Their results,
tabulated in the sidebar, show excellent agreement with theory.

Energy and momentum of light example 24
Light hasm= 0 andγ= ∞, so if we try to applyE=mγand
p=mγvto light, or to any massless particle, we get the indeter-
minate form 0·∞, which can’t be evaluated without a delicate and
laborious evaluation of limits as in problem 11 on p. 460.
Applyingm^2 =E^2 −p^2 yields the same result,E=|p|, much more
easily. This example demonstrates that although we encountered
the relationsE=mγandp=mγvfirst, the identitym^2 =E^2 −p^2
is actually more fundamental.
Figure q on p. 732 shows an experiment that verifiedE = |p|
For the reasons given in example 24, we take m^2 = E^2 −p^2
to be thedefinitionof mass in relativity. One thing to be careful
about is that this definition is not additive. Suppose that we lump
two systems together and call them one big system, adding their
mass-energies and momenta. When we do this, the mass of the
combination is not the same as the sum of the masses. For example,
suppose we have two rays of light moving in opposite directions,
with energy-momentum vectors (E,E, 0, 0) and (E,−E, 0, 0). Adding
these gives (2E, 0, 0), which implies a mass equal to 2E. In fact, in
the early universe, where the density of light was high, the universe’s
ambient gravitational fields were mainly those caused by the light
it contained.
Mass-energy, not energy, goes in the energy-momentum four-
vector example 25
When we say that something is a four-vector, we mean that it
behaves properly under a Lorentz transformation: we can draw
such a four-vector on graph paper, and then when we change
frames of reference, we should be able to measure the vector in
the new frame of reference by using the new version of the graph-
paper grid derived from the old one by a Lorentz transformation.
If we had used the energyErather than the mass-energyEto
construct the energy-momentum four-vector, we wouldn’t have
gotten a valid four-vector. An easy way to see this is to consider
the case where a noninteracting object is at rest in some frame
of reference. Its momentum and kinetic energy are both zero. If
we’d definedp= (E,px,py,pz) rather thanp= (E,px,py,pz), we

438 Chapter 7 Relativity

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