degenerative diseases, so it is best to keep to a maximum of one
protein meal a day. No hemp filled breakfast, lunch and dinners
daily, just a breakfast or lunch or dinner and a few hemp snack
bars a day with your favorite seed will suffice. If the temptation to
eat hemp with every meal is too great, it is important to reduce the
resulting acidity through foods that are alkaline or contain vitamin
B. Green leafy vegetables are best to renew the balance. Never
worry about overdosing on green leafy vegetables, as these are a
perfect addition to all meals and snack times.
Meat and animal products are products that may attract
‘bad karma’. The notion of karma is that by causing harm to any
living being you are creating harm to yourself. Bad karma will be
repaid to you at some point in the future – in this life or the next.
Such ‘bad karma’ foods also tend to leave a residue of toxins in
the body. Fish who have swum in polluted oceans have scales
that have been designed to filter out the toxins. They literally
concentrate all the rubbish that is put in the sea into their bodies,
and then we eat them. Animals are generally farmed, away from
nature. Even so-called ‘free-range’ animals are fed antibiotic and
chemical feeds that are force fed to plump them up, making them
more economical for the farmer to sell. This seems to have very
little to do without natural food cycle. Eating berries, raw wild
foods, and fruits from organic trees and plants simply makes
What energies do we want in our bodies and our lives? By
reading this far you affirmed an interest that you believe in
yourself. You understand that what you put into your body affects
your mind, body and soul. So why not choose the best possible
foods available? This is the only way for us to proceed in any
sustainable way. It is our choice. We have been programmed to
believe what is right, led by others’ greed. We are strong. We can
see what there is to see if only we step back, give our bodies a
rest and let instinct flow again. We have always known. It is now
time to remember. Hemp is a superior choice you can make today.