Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

made in the past six years. I have also watched female friends
lower, and almost fully eradicate, the effects of PMS and heavy
menstruation by using foods lower on this index (mainly living

Cooking strongly affects the glycemic index of foods.
Cooking starches, for example, makes them swell and fragment,
increasing the speed of enzymes digestion. This increases their
glycemic index, simulates more insulin than slowly absorbed
carbohydrates, and can lead to mood swings and weight gain.
Bread is an example of this. The most advantageous flour is made
from whole grains. Wholewheat sounds fine but can still mean a
bread containing highly refined flour made from the whole grain
which may still contain no husk whatsoever. Wholemeal means
‘partially processed’ – an improvement to wholewheat, finely
milled or refined flours. On the subject of breads, flours and
cereals, when it states that they have been enriched with vitamins
and minerals, it probably means the product has been so highly
processed that all the vitamins and minerals have been stripped
away and need to be replaced synthetically. This is not natural.

Try grinding some hemp flour and use fresh organic
wholemeal flour to make hemp loaves as described in the recipes
section. If you are still eating cooked food, then try earing fresh
bread every once in a while.




Sugar: we love it! So why, after being fed sugary substances from
such a young age, are we learning that there may be more to
know? Sugar does not supply us with fibre, vitamins or minerals.
In fact, it is not of much use at all because of its ‘empty calories’.
Honey does not contain some vitamins, minerals and trace
element (make sure it is organic, otherwise you will be consuming

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