Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

When travelling to a different country, we often find it
easier to replace the more negative foods and substitute them with
fresh, often tropical fruits and vegetables. When we return to our
home country, do we fall back into habit or can we learn to be
strong? Today such foods are universally available. So if this
happens after a holiday, a health retreat or even on a visit to a
positive friend’s house, then we must look at our familiar
surroundings as there is something we are missing. Something
that is preventing us from looking after ourselves fully and living
life to the full, whether this means helping others, bringing up
children or looking after the sick. We can only carry out such tasks
fully when we ourselves are functioning fully.

Physically there are some great tips I can offer. Replace
the fat from fried foods, animal and dairy products with avocados,
nuts, seeds, salt added or salt high processed foods with lots of
raw celery snacks throughout the day and raw green-leafy
vegetables such as broccoli for calcium. I have found that during
some of my transition stages, I have cravings at the end of the
day. A perfect living food diet all day, then in the evening, anything
goes. This was soon remedied using water as a substitute.
Drinking two glasses of water, sometimes with a squeeze of fresh
lemon juice really does help. To move away from starchy foods I
searched for various substitutes, and David Wolfe’s Sunfood Diet
system (available from NFL or Fresh, see resource section),
suggested mixing sweet foods with fats, and it worked. Mixing a
sweet banana with a high fat avocado (and wow, what a taste
sensation!) provided the gradual sugar release that mimicked what
I was used to from my previous diet of breads, rice and cakes.
Similar is mixing avocado with dates.

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