Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1


As cravings are so universally applicable, I shall continue. The
more you eat one day, the more you will crave food the next day.
The less you will want to eat the next day. The more pure foods
you eat one day, the more pure foods you will crave the next. The
more negative foods you consume, the more you will crave the
next day. Be aware. It does become easier after some
persistence. As your cravings become less, be aware of the yo-yo
effect. Remind yourself daily in meditation how well you are doing,
as every step, whether it seems positive or negative, must be a
step forward in learning and therefore be a truly positive influence
on you now. Do not punish yourself if you do slip, as it is still a
learning experience. Remember, awareness is all you are looking
for. Watch yourself with non-attachment, whether you slip, fall, cry,
laugh or whatever you choose to do; make the choice with
awareness of being, no choice is wrong or negative. We are
constantly moving forward, constantly flowing – we do not know
where we are going, but we cannot forget where we have been.
Do not dwell on the past, live with the awareness now and
meditate regularly on the following.

No situation is completely good or totally bad. As you can
choose your attitude to any situation, why not focus on the good or
positive as much as possible? Of course you cannot entirely
ignore the negative side. However, once you have done all you
can, leave it alone and appreciate what you do have and be
grateful. This positive attitude is a step towards happiness and
general health.

Your body does not require most foods that it craves.
When the body has to go through the sometimes painful step of
eliminating toxins and acidic substances your mind pleads for toxic
foods that it knows will stop the elimination, it craves them, a plea
for help. It can also mean that you have a vitamin or mineral
deficiency. To make it easier, in the short-term, your mind will

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