absorption include coffee, spinach, chocolate, soft drinks, refined
sugar, tobacco and aspirin. Lettuce does not contain large
amounts of calcium but due to its calcium:phosphorous ratio, it is
readily available for absorption. Other green leafy vegetables have
ideal ratios, unlike animal products.
Like calcium, approximately 90% of the phosphorous content of
the body is found in the bones. It is renewed approximately every
three years. Acid forming phosphorous is required most during
pregnancy. Coffee, tea and tobacco interfere with phosphorus
absorption. Phosphorus is over-abundant in most diets,
contributing to excessive acidity.
This forms glycogen from the liver and muscles. Potassium is
alkaline and helps balance acid in the body as well as being an
important part of our brain matter. As it is found in most foods, a
lack of this mineral is unlikely. Potassium, which is also essential
for calcium metabolism, must be effectively absorbed through a
healthy colon. Therefore a clear colon helps promote strong
healthy bones.
It works with chlorine to maintain level body fluids. Sodium is
found out of balance with potassium in processed table salts. It is
strongly recommended that your intake comes from different